Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dominion (3)

This dominion update is kinda overdue and since I write all these recaps by memory, this one might lack the detail I normally like to include. That is 100% my bad; I need to stay on top of this. Some of the cards I remember being used in this game are Ironworks, Goons, Militia (Haha yep we used them both and it worked pretty well), Bazaar, Merchant Ship (two great 5 gold choices), Royal Seal, Moat, Throne Room, and Great Hall.

HB immediately went after merchant ship to get sustained income quickly. HL started off with ironworks to build up her deck. Merchant ship quickly turned into Goons for HB, and iron works netted a bunch of Great Halls and more Ironworks for HL. There was a lot of attacking and blocking in the game as both players used Goons, Militia, and Moat. Both players also used the super powerful Throne room well. HB had a few clever plays with Royal Seal to get some powerful cards at his disposal immediately. HL also used Bazaar and tried to make a big deck that cycled quickly even buying estates to pick up a few extra points. In the end, HB’s deck was too streamlined. He had many more provinces and Victory chips. Final score 86 – 57. 

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