Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In the Shadow of the Emperor (1)

This game has been on the shelf since February 22 without being played. How do I know that it has been there since then? Because HL had it rush delivered to our home so that it would make it on time for HB's birthday. Anyway, HB and HL finally had a chance to give this game a go. Disclaimer: most game forums say this game gets kinda broken without atleast a 3rd player, but HB and HL added some variants to make it work. First, we gave the non emperor an additional thaler and a younger starting elector. Second, we made selling daughters to the convent 2 thalers instead of 1. We also made each county more crowded by taking away available spots. HB thought the game was fair, but HL thought the starting emperor was still more powerful. There's only one way to find out. Play a bunch more times.. Hopefully we'll be able to do that.

HL started as emperor and HB decided to become the elector with the ability to get another 15 year old noble. HB also gained control of the 2 emperor vote county while HL positioned herself to get the 2 thaler county. Up at the churches, both players kinda split influence. HL focused on making sure she could keep the emperor seat and +2 thaler seat and since HB is usually not very confrontational, he allowed her to do so by going for other things. HL made some very shrewd decisions from her position of power often attacking with the doctor. HB quickly realized that never being the emperor made things very difficult especially since imperial cities only increased as the game goes by, and the tie breaker advantage is huge. By the time he realized this it was too late and HL was able to easily overtake HB's early VP lead by the 4th round when HL controlled 4 out of the 5 counties and the emperor. By the end of the game, HB was able to take back one county, but HL built an insurmoutable lead and won 24 -19.

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